How to FIX resource is not member of my on 2010 [Resolved]

If you are experiencing problems such as "resource is not a member of my" in VB.NET .you can fix it my way.

The way that I use sometimes succeed .. but it not 100% Succes , would not hurt you to try it my way ..

if you want to know how to solve this you must be donate first on this blog. and you confirm payment to

Earn dollars by turning on the computer

how to get dollars by turning on the computer stays online. This method is not difficult. use at the time we turn on the computer by running the application provided by the IPUS. we only need to enroll in IPUS and download the application. to more clearly see the image below


to more clearly see the image below :


Try it and see

Download Aplication Convert KML to Excel

I have aplication for convert KML file (Google Earth path) to EXCEL

this aplication is Beta version.

Video :

1. Open KML to Excel aplication

2. Klik Open File to select files you want. Select KML file , if finish seleted , press OPEN button

3. Select on list if you want to review

4.  Select your destination folder you want to save EXCEL Files , press ok if finished

5. Press Convert all to excel  Button to converts file to EXCEL

6. This is files has converted.

This aplication must be installed dotnet 4.5 or latter,windows 7.

link download ....

for download this aplication . you must be pay  $ with paypal.
send email to to confirm your payment.

Simple Connection For Visual Basic 2010 with SQL Server 2008 R2 Database For Beginner

I have go tired to connetion to SQL Server. But I have searcing on google , i finding simple code for connection to SQL Server Data Base.

Here The Code :

 Public Conn As New SqlConnection("Integrated Security=true; " & _
                                    "Initial Catalog=yourdatabase;" & _
                                     "Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS")

You Can save it on the module

little explanation :

Public conn As New SqlConnection = Declarated " CONN  " for called database 

Initial Catalog yourdatabase = Select yourdatabase here

 Data Source=.\SQLEXPRESS = Database SQL server connection


Cara Set Priority Permanen pada Program di windows

kadang kita mau menggunakan aplikasi tapi kita menginginkan kecepatan maksimal pada aplikasi yang kita buka.
Contoh seperti 3dmax agar rendering nya lebih cepat.
cara untuk membantu mempercepat proses yaitu dengan seting set priority.
kadang kita suka malas dengan menyeting kembali pada task manager set priority karena set priority tidak permanent.

nah setelah ane searcing2 nemu aplikasi untuk set priority permanen yaitu dengan software PRIO

berikut ulasan nya

  • Start the Task Manager.
  • Right-click a process and select Set Priority.
  • Set the priority you want for the process.


  • Link downloadnya

    Untuk Windows XP

    Untuk Windows 7